All products are shipped from our warehouse in China by default. New Paragraph
We provide a shipping guarantee for our users. If we miss the delivery date (usually 60 days), we offer a full refund. The full refund offer for shipment delay is counted from the date that the package leaves our warehouse.
Please note that:
Please note that, during the peak season, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, etc, the shipping time may be longer because of the massive packages and limited capacity of destination customs office. We will update you on the actual situation so we could better arrange for the business
*Please note that the following countries are not covered Sudan, South Sudan, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Crimea.
Your order should meet the following conditions for a shipping guarantee refund:
The guarantee does not apply if the following circumstances exist.
Haiti; Kyrgyzstan; Madagascar; Mauritius; Bangladesh; Nepal; Nicaragua; Swaziland; Jamaica; Zambia; Ecuador; Peru; Bolivia; Chile; Argentina; Uruguay; Egypt; Sudan; Libya; Algeria; Angola; Bahamas; Benin; Belize City; Burundi; Dominican Republic; Gambia; Grenada; Cuba; Palestine; Paraguay; Guatemala; Reunion; The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; Hawaii; Alaska; Guadeloupe; Martinique; and French Guiana
We use an in-house shipping method to delivery the packages.
The shipping fees are highly dependant on the shipping method you use and the shipping destination, it will be quoted by our customer success manager.
We accept both Paypal and Payoneer at the moment. More payment options are going to
be rolled out in the future. We work in a Prepaid Basis for payment settlement. Please approach your customer
success manager for the detail.
*Hapex Global reserves all the rights for final explanation.
About Us
Hapex Global works with a variety of suppliers in China to source the best products for our customers. We have a strict quality control process in place to ensure that all of our products meet our high standards. We also offer a wide range of value-added services, such as product customization, packaging design, and shipping logistics.
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All Rights Reserved | This website is operated by Hapex Global Trading Company Limited